Monday 10 November 2014

Live versus Online Shopping

As a woman, nothing beats going shopping. The sense of smell, touch and feel of items in the shops, all just sitting there and waiting for you to come exhaust your financial options. Be it a credit, debit card or cash. The feeling of handing over your money in return for an item you most probably don't need. The excitement of seeing "up to 75% off" written on a store window. Searching through various items in rails and shelves to find that one perfect item you had no desire of buying when you left home. *sigh* The adrenaline of it all. It all just brings a sense of pleasure to my thoughts.

On the other hand, convenience has become the thing. The thought of sitting on a chair in your home/office. Browsing through a number of items on the interweb, selecting desired items and have them magically arriving at your doorstep without you having to leave the comfort of your selected area. Mind you, you could perform transactions without having to leave your bed, taking a bath or even naked. This way of shopping does not limit you, it can be used to buy clothes, furniture, food and even a car. There is an option to virtually tour stores and homes if you are looking to buy. With this option in mind, why bother getting stuck in traffic just to get dinner when you can just click click and someone else will take the trouble of dealing with traffic on your behalf and before you know it, dinner is served without having to leave the house or going trough the troubles of trying to strap little Johny into that car seat he hates so much.

I must say, I have become quite comfortable in doing everything online. Even become lazy that if I can't get it online I would rather do without. Yes, I have had cons to online shopping. Things like shoes not fitting due to the style of the shoe and sometimes the quality being less than what I expected. I have become anal about standing in ques, even if there are just 3 people ahead of me. Don't get me started on crowds in shops during sales season. so for these reasons I choose online transactions.

However, I do realise that nothing beats personal interactions. having a real person to transact with, someone to talk to and get advise on a one on one basis. Also on the quality issue, it is sometimes better to touch and see exactly what you are getting.

Which method do you ladies prefer?

by Queen Troll