Thursday 11 December 2014

Happy Holidays, Safe Travelling and See you soon

Today is the last day of work for most of you. Evident is by the way these streets have become quiet and the mood light and cheery.

I won't write an article in paragraphs because I know Ain't Nobody Got Time for that. So, how's about we start with the TOLAH pics? As agreed, we are doing your going away luggage, bags and whatever you are taking on your holiday with.

Happy holidays and I hope we will all meet here in the new year.

by Queen Troll

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Well, that's awkward

How embarrassing. So I have sabotaged myself! There I was, trying to do a nice thing by making changes in the background. And before you know it, I can't find the website. I can't use the saved link to get onto I have updated the changes to go live without even noticing!

Panic mode hits me, it's like I am suffocating because I realize what I just did. I have replaced our old blog link with a new one. Heavenly Father, what a disaster! My phone starts vibrating and I now have to explain to angry bloggers what's going on, mind you I don't know what's up myself, nor do I know how to handle it.

At this stage I know I must either fix this or kiss my blogging life goodbye, along with the guilt of taking away a chill spot for many bloggers who call this home. Thank goodness for quick thinking, I managed to get hold of a few bloggers that I know will pass on the new link.

This, has been my most embarrassing calamity in a while. What's yours? What is your most clumsy WTF moment that you can remember?

by Queen Troll

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Finding Happiness...... HOOORAAAAY

 In my quest for true happiness I have come across some of the most desolate realities of the world and I am yet to fathom what “true” happiness really is. It feels as though I had no plan or a format on how to go about it but worse it feels as though I was not prepared for the findings or the aftermath that would be encountered… let me just say the happiness I was looking for is not the kind that you get out of a relationship neither is it the one that you find in a friendship, it’s not the kind that you get from your partner or family…SO WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR KAHLEKAHLE?…....the one that you impose on people and hope to get it back in abundance….

I have liked, loved, lost and given a second chance only to lose again. I have put myself last for the sake of that happiness that I so yearn….….i have neglected my sixth sense and woman’s intuition to give yet another chance only to realize that the happiness I so want does not rely on that but totally relies upon me. Happiness has taught me never to seek but to accept and it shall be bestowed upon me. I loved him because he gave me hope and just like any other gal out there he made me laugh and I mistook that laughter for happiness and I was sure that was what I wanted but this was short-lived as I realized that happiness is more than just a state of mind it has to be felt and lived.

My search for happiness has been a very emotional, sad, fulfilling, devastating and promising excursion, as  I looked into the eyes of duplicity and I stared into the eyes of aptitudes and i felt the fear of solitude, I realized that happiness is a state of being…..being content with what you have …yes it is not more than what your neighbour has and yes it does not amount to the ones your friends have but then again how do we measure happiness, how do we even begin to assert  just how happy we are?……….

I have realized that for the mere fact that I’m searching for happiness and not a cure for some sort of illness or trying to “bring world peace” (as per our Miss what what). I don’t have a deadly disease nor do I have any family member on death row or dying ………. I’m happy DAMMIT I should STOP looking for it for it has found me, I don’t need to worry myself to a stupor and give myself grey hair in the process… I AM HAPPY…….HAPPINESS lives within me, all that I need to do is embrace it………..


By: Manosh

Monday 8 December 2014

*Hey There Santa

This year things are a bit different between us. It is not me, it is you!
I will not be leaving any milk and cookies out for you this year. You don’t need them, I mean have you looked at the size of your belly lately? Instead I will leave hidden salad ingredients all over the house and yard. Good luck finding them and whatever you do find you will have to eat. You have no problem with veggies, do you Santa?
You may not come down the chimney on our roof. Really, are you honestly not familiar with doors even today? Why the hell do you prefer potentially harming people’s property just so that you can leave cheap presents that nobody ever wants? I will leave the door open for you and you WILL need to use the door just like the rest of us. Roof repair costs are expensive and I need not remind you how there is a recession refusing to end out there.
Those animals must stay in the yard. There are kids around and I will be too drunk throughout the festive season to care enough to explain to them why there are flying, talking deer in the house. 
Maybe it is time to hook yourself up with a better mode of transport? Look Santa I understand that the reindeer have worked for you thus far, but do you know that animals have rights too these days? And I also know you have access to all these fancy gadgets so there’s no excuse. And to make the poor things transport your big-bellied ass all over the world is just wrong. I also think getting a plane; for example; would even be quicker than riding on those animals.
And Santa, i am aware that every time you come around you call me names. Yes, you keep saying "Hoe Hoe Hoe!" It is not ok. From now on, next time you chant that, I will not rub your tummy! Also, I think it is quite strange that you ask the kids to sit on your lap, please bring plastic chairs next time you visit. 
Lastly, Santa! RSA is very hot in Summer (Christmas), so can you try to maybe dress accordingly. Shaving might not be too bad either, who knows you might just get yourself a young lady to help assist you with all those deliveries instead of all those beasts you surround yourself with.
*a recycle of an old poem I did a while back
by Queen Troll

Happy Monday guys.

Happy Monday guys, hope y'all had a busy one. Gone are the days when weekends were relaxing, I swear I am more relaxed in the office lately than over the weekends.

My weekend started off on an emotional note. Drunk phoned my ex and confessed why we can't be together. OMW, all I can say about that episode is TJO!!! Friday evening I packed my bags and was ready to move out. Of course I had nowhere or real intentions to go so it's a good thing all that followed was some steamy making up. Saturday I gate crashed a wedding, guys weddings are the in thing in the hood at the moment. And I'm not talking small scale, I'm talking Top Billing type of do's. Sunday I woke up and pulled off all stops in the kitchen and I'm ending it with a trip to the movies.

What did you ladies get up to?

By Queen Troll