Wednesday 10 December 2014

Well, that's awkward

How embarrassing. So I have sabotaged myself! There I was, trying to do a nice thing by making changes in the background. And before you know it, I can't find the website. I can't use the saved link to get onto I have updated the changes to go live without even noticing!

Panic mode hits me, it's like I am suffocating because I realize what I just did. I have replaced our old blog link with a new one. Heavenly Father, what a disaster! My phone starts vibrating and I now have to explain to angry bloggers what's going on, mind you I don't know what's up myself, nor do I know how to handle it.

At this stage I know I must either fix this or kiss my blogging life goodbye, along with the guilt of taking away a chill spot for many bloggers who call this home. Thank goodness for quick thinking, I managed to get hold of a few bloggers that I know will pass on the new link.

This, has been my most embarrassing calamity in a while. What's yours? What is your most clumsy WTF moment that you can remember?

by Queen Troll