Wednesday 8 April 2015

President Mugabe lays it down bare

He as never been known to mince his words, a spade to Mr Mugabe has never been refered to as a toothless fork. So, it was with great pleasure to; for the first time in my existence; watch the Zimbabwean President speak today after the signing of a few agreements between the South African and Zimbabwean government. This was his state visit in 21years.


A few of the point the President made got my attention. First on the Rhodes issue; as we are currently aware there is a turmoil regarding the Rhodes statue at UCT with black students protesting it be removed while some white activists refuse for such an action calling it part of their heritage and history (We will deal with this in detail in the near future);when he said that Rhodes was in Zimbabwe as a foreigner who was sent to them to be put where he belonged, under the ground. He joked that we had his statue and that we should say if we want them to dig him up and maybe his spirit will rise.....


Mugabe's speach was quite catchy and interesting. He spoke about the land issue. He said "we did not chase away the whites, what we did was take away the land as we had agreed with the British government when we took back our land". He went on to clarify how there was an agreement that land owners would be compensated by the British government. 

I was touched by how he mentioned that we as a nation need to stand united, this in regard to how we always manage to paint our President with a negative brush. It got me thinking of respecting our elders and how when it comes to Zuma no punches are pulled when it comes to the way we treat him. 


Mugabe was without his fair share of humor when refering to the natural resources Africa possesses, talking about how the Minister of health warns about smoking but not about producing Tobacco. He touched on issues such as Zim migrants in RSA, the lack of support from UN and the way we as Africans can be strong if we can just stick together


This is, but, a bit taken from the speach that got me rethinking my take and stance on our Neighbour, Zim's President. What did you trolls think?

By Queen Troll