Tuesday 7 July 2015

???Guess Who

Initials: MM
Year of birth: 1982
Describe yourself in 3 words?  Loyal, Fun and simple
What are your fondest childhood memories? Playing Mgusha and soccer with my cousins
What is your favorite body part? My eyes
What are your weakness and strengths? Too trusting (weakness), self-motivation (strength)
 What do you find attractive in a man? Respect and honesty
 Given a chance to spend 24 hours with someone who has passed, who would it be and why? My big brother, I was just starting to know him better
 Worst fear? Dying poor
 What great lesson would you teach your children one day?  You are a product of your decisions!
 Describe what love is to you: Knowing that my heart is with the right person
 Pet peeve? Negativity
 Biggest lesson in life?  Surround yourself with the right people

Best Thing about being part of the TOLAH Family:  The family vibe keeps me coming back & the success stories motivate me to work even harder.