Wednesday 19 November 2014

Childhood memories that had me and my girls ROTFLAO

So the other day for some reasons my girls and I had a chuckle about things that we did when growing up. From grown-up treatments towards us, punishments and life nje as a kid in the... well before year 2000. Let me share some of my kiddie memories and I hope you guys will share yours, just for a chuckle

Pet Childhood hates:
  • Making my grandmother tea. We had electricity but granny was not about that life. There was a kettle on the fire coal all day, everyday. Your crime would be walking past her and BOY were you it. As soon as she went "Nana", I knew it was tea time.
  • The visitors. Unfortunately I have grown up with this one. At home, as soon as a visitor landed we would have to chase a chicken to be slaughtered for them. Have you ever tried to catch a free range chicken? The commmotion, the stupid thing being on Viagra never helped anything either and no grown up understood why you can't catch a chicken live healthy cork.
  • Being called to come eat. Hello!!!!! who's tummy is it? Did I SAY I was hungry?
  • Sharing a bowl of milk and pap with the cousins. Ay ya yayaya..... Why did these grownups hate hygiene mara?
  • The steel cup.... WTH was that thing all about anyway?
  • We had the sack at my and my friends house. if you messed up, you were put in a sack, tied up and she would choose a scare tactic to bring you to order. My gran would sometimes put the sack; feet first; in water. Or threaten to cook you. Anga and I have decided we are adopting this form of punishment, this idea just can't go to waste.
  • Chores. If you were naughty you would be the dishwasher for the week. Instead of being grounded or sent to A room (we did not have our own separate ones) you would have to work hard.
  • The Pinch. I wanna shout out and thank whoever outlawed physical punishment. My granny was master pincher. My thighs have never been so grateful as when my gran would put me in a sack than pinch me.
Fun Times:
Of Course there were fun times too.
  • Stealing Granny's stash of peanuts.
  • Story time. We would sit my the fire at night and the grownups would take turns telling us (not fairy) tales. and then try to send you to go get water in the "dark"
  • Christmas time. We got to wear fancy clothes and eat all the sweets we wanted.
  • When grandma would take me on holiday ( a relative's house) for school holidays
  • Coming home after dark dirty dusty AF
Ohhhhh how I do wish I could go back, if only for the games we played, the carefreeness (I declare this a word, going forward). and most of all no bills, boys and decisions.

by Queen Troll