Thursday 18 December 2014

Love, Light and Happiness…

As the year draws to an end, I have been looking back at my year, the joys and struggles it has brought and I have realised that there is so much that I still carry with me that weighs me down. Tough times that I brushed off, things I never fully let myself feel, in order for me to let go, forgive and heal. See the thing about life is, it doesn’t stop for you to face tough times, everyone carries on and we get so busy trying to make a living, and somehow someway you find a way to carry on without actually dealing with your demons.
I know a lot of us have been through a lot whether it’s this year or the past years and I know we still carry so much of our pain with us on a daily basis, without acknowledging it and without letting it go. And each year adds on, its own burdens and scars to our hearts. So my article today is more of a prayer, for each and every one of us.
 I pray that we find healing in all that has happened in our past that we learn to let go of yesterday and its burdens to start anew. To let go of all that weighs down on our hearts and minds. To forgive ourselves for whatever pain or struggle we have, to forgive those who have wronged us in anyway. To no longer devote our energy and thoughts on things, memories and even people that bring us misery. And to move on from things that no longer bring us happiness. I pray for strength for each and every one of us and to overcome our demons, to face whatever life throws at us. For us to acknowledge our pains and struggles and let them go, so they no longer have power over our lives, no matter how difficult our past has been. To learn to build ourselves with our thoughts and to use words to build others, because these are very powerful tools. I pray for healing in all our lives, for hope and for us to keep faith, with the knowledge that whatever trials we may be facing, they are just temporary. I pray that whatever is broken in our lives can be mended. I pray over our jobs, relationships, families and all that is dear to our hearts, that it is protected and prospers.
I pray for love, light and happiness in all that we do. And remember, whatever is good for your soul and feels right for you do that, always. No matter what the world says.

Happy festive Ladies ♥