Wednesday 17 December 2014

New Year's Resolutions

In a few days, we will be bidding farewell to the year that was 2014 and welcoming the freshness that is 2015. Resolutions will be made, broadcast to whoever is patient enough to hear our wishful thinking but most will be forgotten within the first weeks of the year.

A lot of smokers will "quit" smoking, only to fall off the wagon within a month of the new year. The gyms are going to enjoy fresh new subscribers who will attend all of 1 month's worth of gym and come up with reasons why those gym doors will not be entered until January 2016. My favorite is the "January non-drinkers", oh boooooooy do they make me laugh. And then there are those people who vow to change the way they act/ do things in the new year only to remain the same.

I, for one never make resolutions yet am the first to ask people what theirs are just for a good inside giggle.

Do you ladies make resolutions? What are yours this year? What are you hoping to change and what are you hoping to leave behind midnight on the 31st December 2014?

by Quee Troll