Friday 6 February 2015

Embrace your culture

Gone are the days when as a Tsonga girl, you expect to have a vukhobha ceremony performed for you when you become of age and cross over from being a girl into womanhood. Now it is how big your sweet sixteen party will be and how much booze will be available. Gone are the days when as a young Zulu girl, you prided yourself in attending virginity testing ceremonies and the pride that came with being certified itshitshi and having everyone know that you are as pure as the day you were born. Now it's a trend to see a porn video of a teen being filmed in class during school hours. The days when young men went to the mountains to be circumcised and taught how to be substantial men in the community are no more, all we hear these days is how many of these young men have gone through botched circumcisions.

It is considered illiterate to not know how to speak English without  a European accent yet a non-issue to be Tsonga and be unable to converse in your own native language. You find an African mother in the mall speaking to her own child in (mostly) broken English. What purpose does this act serve exactly?  

What went wrong? Is this what evolution is?