Wednesday 25 March 2015

Guess Who???

Initials: PR 
Year of birth: 1990

Describe yourself in 3 words? - Loving, Sensitive, Nurturer

What are your fondest childhood memories? - Christmas day. The smell of new clothes and always being number one in class. I was quite a clever lil’ bugger back then. Also playing in the streets until I got all sorts of dirty.
What is your favorite body part? – My bum. Mother nature has been kind to me.  Wait, how does one go about insuring such assets konje?

What are your weakness and strengths? - I care too much. I love unconditionally and always see the best in everyone.

What do you find attractive in a man?  - This will give me away….. but money is definitely one of the things that make me get weak at knees. A good sense of humour too. Looks play a serious role. I'm over kissing frogs. Tatoos are everything, especially if he's fair-skinned.

Given a chance to spend 24 hours with someone who has passed, who would it be and why? - The decision-making ancestor of our clan. He needs to explain why my blessings are delayed.

Worst fear? – The zombie apocalypse

What great lesson would you teach your children one day?  - To respect all humans regardless of colour and background. To minimize judgment and to always say please & thank you.

Describe what love is to you: - selflessness. Butterflies in the tummy. Endless supplies of hugs and kisses.

Pet peeve? – Someone who asks “why” before giving you an answer to whatever you asked them.

Biggest lesson in life?  - People will talk, it is their nature, do you! Get your own, never rely on others!

Best Thing about being part of the TOLAH Family? – I get to share, cry and laugh with everyone like they were a real family. I feel like I have found a family in y’all. It is ours and about us.