Sunday 22 March 2015

My Weekend Round Up

Happy Monday, welcome back.

Oh boy what a weekend it was. It was my proper weekend after working 2weekends in a row without rest. As expected Friday I headed straight home to some well deserved rest. Woke up and got some breakfast ine bed. Chilled with a certain short person and later on went to some chilas. Sunday I hooked up with Nyiko (yes, I am embracing my options) and we went to get our cars washed. The rain wouldn't let us be great so we gave up and went to grab something to eat. Nkosiyami I had missed being his centre of attention. Ksazo fetswa lana bazalwane.

Went home and cozzied up to some Sunday TV. #LBMzansi was about some couple acting like they're trying to get back together kanti they were just hustling for a job for the dude who'd been an extra kwi Generations. I hope the relevant agents were watching and will hook the brother up. And then there was  #Bootcamp with Nonhle and her attitude plus unique voice. But then the highlight of the Sunday TV tradition came in the form of #OPW. DG!!!! I will let you trolls dissect this.

The SAFTA's also took place last night. I will update you with the winners and images in thhe comments section in the morning.

By Queen troll