Wednesday 20 May 2015

What your drink says about you

1. Champagn
Personality Type: You stand on the outside of crowds and observe. People approach you to ask your permission for various things. You receive calls about moving large sums of money around, business you dispatch quickly and in a quiet voice. You don't eat much; you don't sleep much. Your preferred party position? Above it.

Signature Drink: Champagne. For those of us who don't drink champagne all that often, it is a celebratory, special occasion drink. For those who choose to drink it all the time, it is a signal to others that your whole life is a special occasion and you simply don't have time for them.

2. Martini
Personality Type: You can hold your liquor, and you want others to know it. You once tried to write a novel. You would say you are more head than heart. Your preferred party position is at the bar regaling others. You are the type to use the word 'regale.'

Signature Drink: A proper martini. No less than three ounces of straight gin will do for you. Proper gin martinis are for lifelong, professional drinkers. It is the signature drink for the intellectual set; it was both Dorothy Parker's and Winston Churchill's drink of choice, after all.

3. Whiskey, Neat
Personality Type: You manage to somehow act fancy without putting on airs. You might wear jeans and button-up shirts every day, but they have a crispness to them — as if you walked out of a catalogue. You were voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in high school. Your preferred party position is arriving late and leaving early.

Signature Drink: Whiskey, neat. The more expensive, the better. Because everything in life should be straight-up.

4. Wine
Personality Type: You feel generally happy and dissatisfied at the same time. You are ambitious but don't feel lucky. You would call yourself jealous because you are also very self-aware. Your preferred party position is talking late into the night.

Signature Drink: Wine. It's the drink that's easiest to refill.

5. Beer
Personality Type: You are generally happy and a tad lucky. Things tend to work out for you. Sure, you have some regrets, but who doesn't? You work hard, but don't necessarily want to work that hard. You buy lottery tickets and contribute to your 401K. Your preferred party position is whatever's nearby.

Signature Drink: Beer. It's readily available and unassuming. No one has ever been criticized for ordering a beer at a bar or drinking one at a party. Beer just doesn't make a fuss.


By Lufuno