Monday 13 July 2015

The cost of raising a Bambino in the new age

This past year Tolah has been blessed with little bambinos, my article was inspired by Robert Marawa’s child maintanance case. I did not want to comment on the post on Monday but I thought as family we need to discuss the issue. 

As a single mother to a 12 months old son, I only want the best for my son. Yes as QT said kids have managed with little financial support but I only wish the best for my son. 

During the day he is at a day care (R1900 pm), I have a helper at home another (R2000). He attends stimulation classes once a week costing R990 per term. 

He uses 2 packs of Nappies a month R500. 

Two formulas R500. 

I am an average working mother and those are the basics he needs to survive excluding food and clothes. So my friends how much do you roughly believe a maintenance should cost judging from my expenditure?

by Basic