Friday 7 November 2014

News that grabbed my attention this week

TGIF, I am bushed. I just wanna knock off and go sleep nje... Don't know why I am always tired, it must be the summer. Anyway, here's what caught my attention in the news this week.

4 suspects were nabbed for tying up the cops, robbing them of their weapon, putting them in the back of a police van and fleeing leaving the cops in there. All this happened  in full view of people in front of a food caravan in Thembisa.  it actually has me worrying, stru... Just how trained are our boys in blue? How is it that they were not equipped with some kind of skill to handle this? Basically it has mw thinking thugs can just grab guns from cops in the streets and just run. Very clumsy I tell ya

2 South African boys that were found living in the streets of Brazil were brought home this week. It is said that their mother is in jail serving a sentence for a drug trafficking related charges. So I take it these women are not prepared to learn how quick money never ever pays.... These women make me mad because they insist on being drug mules just to score a quick buck, despite the fact that the consequences are  gonna affect their loves ones badly. Dump decision making nje

The Diwani case is still on, and now the suspect Zola Tongo to have sang like a canary in his new home behind bars. He is said to have told a cellmate that he was advised to frame Shrien for the murder of his wife etc etc. My issue here is that an inmate is now going to be made a witness in a case he is not jailed for. Why is this turning into a he said circus kanti?

Hayi bafethu, it seems gins are also the new desciplinary way... Everyday in the news there is a report of a shooting. Can we just calm down?

Anyway, lets trollpix away. Today we are trollpicing our baby snaps or even Sammie (Senzo's dad's carlfie. ) lemme go hustle for a photographer to "shoot" me

By Queen Troll