Monday 5 January 2015

Feminine care: pads, menstrual cup or tampons

From puberty to menopause, most women go through a monthly menstrual cycle. We dread it, call it names and hate the little extras such as mood swings, weight gain and discomfort that it brings with it. As if these inconveniences aren't enough, one has to choose what form of sanitary ware to use. Growing up there were pads and tampons as options but lately there is a new thing called the menstrual cup. I have put together a bit of an FYI to help highlight some of the pros and cons of each product.

Pads: famous form of sanitary ware. Fuss-free and usually the first available options for young women when they start their menses. They come in different sizes and absorbency options. The disadvantage of using them is that when left for a longer period they tend to leak and if not used correctly can shift off underwear and make wearing them uncomfortable and may leave the user's clothes soiled. Chances of getting TSS (toxic shock syndrome) are low when pad are being used as the periods actually leave the body onto the pad.  

Tampons: the most comfortable and widely used amongst ladies who have past their first stage of periods. They're comfortable and discreet and do not hinder a user from taking part in normal day to day chores and activities. However, women who use them tend to experience problems such as TSS from leaving the tampon in too long or even when the clots are unable to leave the body due to the fact the tampon blocks off passage and therefore allows no escape of the clotted blood out the body. It is also said that the bleach used on the tampon may be the reason why women who use tampons find themselves with genealogical problems and heavy bleeding during their cycle.

Menstrual Cup: this one is more of an organic option. When I first saw it online I thought nah, this won't take off, but it looks like I don't know everything. It is a tiny flexible silicone cup that you insert into your vagina to collect menstrual fluids. It is reusable, so u basically just collect, empty, wash and re-insert. I haven't tried this option of sanitation and my verdict is still out there on this one.

What methods do you ladies prefer? Please shed more light on your preferred method.

By Queen Troll