Tuesday 21 April 2015

Nana's favorite things

I have a few things that I have discovered are gems and I feel it would be criminal not to share with you what they are. These are things I have tried/tested that I feel will make a person's life a lot less stressful.

Lip Service
First of all is my personal and absolute favorite, Rimmel London's Provocalips. I have seen a lot of "long lasting" lip colors that need constant reapplications and last a little less than 3 hours. This gem, I put on and forget about it. it doesn't even rub off on anything. you can kiss and never have to worry about boo's lips being stained. I love that I can get the matt look by not applying the Lock and shine bit and that even the lock and shine doesn't make me look like I ate fat, it stays natural looking. I also did a hair test where if the weave blows on the lips, the gloss doesn't stick to it. Winner!!!!! It comes in a variety of hot colours too.

Bad Breath rescue
- The Breath freshener spray. I got this from woollies. I buy a spray a month; well used to; because I keep one in the car and another in the purse but the one in the car seems to grow legs. It is not even expensive and the way the chewing gum after eating stint is set up in my mind, I find this a better option. I am not saying I have breath issues without it, all I am saying is I can now control what comes out of my mouth when meeting with people. 

- The hot water bottle. Winter is here and I am so much skin and bones with minimum fat that without this item, my work life becomes extra miserable. So, I just fill up my bottle and put it on my lap. Yes it has downs to it because it gives me those funny veins that you get if you keep sitting too close to the fire but I would rather deal with that than the cold. The normal bottle is actually quite cheap but the one I have now was bought for my by some ex, one of those gifts that you don't understand why they were bought for you in the first place.
My Companion

- The winter boots. I have started to slowly take out my warm clothes and the boots were the first to come out. To confuse the enemy,  I am only wearing the half boots for. But fear not, the full boot is soo ready to come on. One only ever wears boots for all of 3 months in a year so when I got mine, I tried to look for bargains that are of not such a bad quality. I got my boots at season's clearance sales because I don't see why I should pay up to a thousand rands just for one pair of boots.
Half boots

Nana's soup base
 Soup. I like making my own from scratch using those soup pack veggies you get from the shops. They are quite inexpensive and can range from R10.00 to less than R30.00 and you can add anything to it. I add meat of course or chicken and depending on what I have in the cupboard I play around with the flavors with one rule of never ever adding packet soup to the mix. I have googled a pic of what the soup packs I usually buy look like.

- Vaseline, Leggings and wool stocking. How can I forget my stipends. If you see me in winter, I have got vaseline and either leggings of wool stocking under whatever I am wearing. I am not afraid to admit to being the queen of layers in the cold season shem.

What are your favorite things this winter?

by Queen Troll