Thursday 1 October 2015

Happy Birthday TOLAH

Wiser and bigger
 Started from the bhoggard now we are here.
Look at us now, we doing great yoh, we doing great!!!!!
Mama we made it, a year later we are sending shout outs from  the mini mansion. Happy belated, TOLAH we made it!!!!

As we celebrate TOLAH's first year, I would like to take this opportunity to send a sharraaaat to all the trolls & those who closed doors to their homes and pushed us to open our own. Not only do we religiously meet here to tackle issues that bother us, whatsapp profile pics, dating standards and the 5oils but we have also made a proper mark in the real world via TOLAH Cares. I am constantly having to drive to and from places collecting and delivering items, some of which get declared on the blog but others I just donate to allocated projects as needed. We are even responsibly for getting one of South Africa's biggest hygiene companies to adopt a home that we discovered was in need of sponsorship. Thanks very much for your giving hearts.

I have too much to say but I bet you do too. Sooo, I rate we all sit down for a cuppa and reminisce.

Cheers to another year of sharing, giving, FDS, real talk, feelings catching and family stuff.

Yours with eyes full of tears, Queen Troll