Tuesday 7 October 2014

Inspiration Corner : My Blogging (Trolling) Journey

Gosh I've missed you ladies so much! I've been soooo busy I haven't even had time to catch up on Orgella!The pleasant surprise I got when I found the link to OUR new home! Man we deserve this! La okuzo khala khona isicathulo sethu! (By the way I did mention that I  volunteer to run it when I resign, so nje when advertisers pour in ngicela ama royalties before the charities and bandwidth, qalani ngami nje) anyway this is not about me... I'm writing this to tell you ladies what you are to me and the other silent bloggers.

Reading through the few older posts here at home (Trollsonline) I'm seeing a lot of silent bloggers coming out and saying what an inspiration you ladies are, and I want to share how I came to love you all... I used to see a lot of links about JC on twitter about whatever gossip had been trending in media that week/day but I'd just ignore, then 1 day I decided to open one, read the story and went to comments, had a few laughs and then got to parts where you would have your personal catch ups, and realised that this is your home and you'd all formed relationships, went through the site and saw that it’s a good place to catch up on gossip, at first I would just read for the funny parts where you mock celebrities relating to the articles, but then I got to understand and started to "get to know" all of you then the "attachment" came.

I don't remember the article that initially made me open the link, but what I do remember is that there was a story shared by a guest writer about HIV that was posted at that time , so reading the comments on that post I saw that some of you are married, but are still so "cool" and up to date with celeb gossip, that was very intriguing for me, I was hooked from there onwards, I went on the site everyday thereafter, and started to bond with you ladies.

This all happened in May last year, I was unemployed and had come back home from JHB to re think the life I'd been living there, and got so much inspiration from how educated, smart and clued up on soooo many things, the advice you used to give one another, I specifically remember when you were talking about skin care products, most of the things mentioned I had not even heard of, and I thought "man Scarlett you clearly have not lived", the advice I got from you as a SILENT blogger has been more helpful than what I got from people I know personally. You introduced me to things I never paid attention to, and most importantly changed my view on married women.

I waited for about 4 months for my password, but everyday I'd wake up, switch on lap top and check JC before even checking emails, you ladies made the most depressing part of my life fun, throughout the day I would refresh and laugh... And also be sooo angry at Wicked that I'd want to jump inside my laptop and beat her up! I couldn't wait to get a job so I could buy a car, buy expensive products, shop online (ok I'm still not shopping online, ngyasaba LOL), and go on holidays. When I finally got my password, I was too scared to introduce myself, because I just didn't think I could be one of y'all, I still can't explain it, but me, and I'm sure all the other silent bloggers coming out now, have this picture perfect view of all of you, you have become part of our lives in a HUGE way.

Fast forward to now, when I am the one in my circle who people ask for advice on things, and I have this confidence, and have become such a lady, because I "socialise" with such smart ladies.

I just thought I'd share my experience with you all, and let you know just how much I value you all, and I'm sure a lot of SB's out there agree with me. I just love how we all come from different walks of life but are all the same (crazy and witty) and we can miss each other so badly. I hope we never lose touch with each other, so we can inspire more ladies, nami ngibafundise what I do best, (ukufeba) LOL. 
Phambili nge Trollville!
