Tuesday 14 October 2014

Troll Rant: It is in all families

Sometimes we laugh together cry together, fight and even hate each other. Coming from a family with a lot of cousins, I have realised that most time we do form groups. There are groups that are closer to my grandmother and others closer to me my grandfather. At most, we pretentiously tolerate each other but one thing is guaranteed, when there is a need (a family gathering) we will all be there.

Others will be in their corners talking about the rich relatives, others guarding the pots and others nursing their weaves, but we will all be there as it must happen. but there is one thing that I have noticed about my family, no outsider; according to my knowledge; has been able to come in between us successfully.

What do I mean? Trollsonline is structured in a way that most families are structured. There will be the horrible cousin, the sweet one, the emotional one and the common go to cousin or even relative. but there will also be the one who never goes to family gatherings but only show up when there is a disagreement and he will arrive in full force to push the fight but in the end family bond always wins over it all. 

Today we had our first gremlin. it was sad because we are usually closer than this, but hey one blogger did try to pray the evil spirit away but ke it is what it is. This too shall pass. Maybe tomorrow the Big 5 (all 600 of us) will be in a different kind of mood.

by Queen Troll