Tuesday 24 February 2015

My dirty, strange, guilty addiction

It feels good to my soul. It calms me.
It is that one thing that I do in my private space, yet am very ashamed to disclose it, well until recently when I shared here with you ladies.
I can never wait to be alone to fully enjoy this pleasure of mine. 
Friends and close family have warned me of the dangers of my addiction. I listen, digest the warnings but each time the craving hits, I cannot wait to go dig out my stash and fully indulge. I have had to come up with several hiding spots to keep it to avoid it being found and discarded by my loved ones.

It is considered barbaric, rural, unsightly and unladylike to be seen doing it. After each time i do it, I feel like the world can open and let me in as this addiction is not on the top ten social things that people do. 

It is a dirty habit. It is sold in dodgy places and boy can I say it is in no way a thing to be proud of, unlike habits such as smoking. I am not in anyway prepared to let my habit go. I am not looking for help. I am here to let you know, ladies and gentlemen, that I have chosen the odd way out. My peers are addicted to smokes, alcohol and others to rich men. 

Hi, my name is Nana and I am addicted to eating sand. I know I am not the only one with a strange addiction. Help me feel part of the community by sharing what yours is.

by Queen Troll