Wednesday 22 July 2015

Having the talk: timing is everything

One minute you are preg, all is well and you are amazed at the magic your body is about to perform in bringing a fully baked human into the world; personality, functioning body parts and obviously an attitude to add on. And boom, before you know it your creation's body parts have designated functions, one of which include recreation, and in due course the functions must take place. At this stage, one is to decide on the how's and when's of bringing themselves to filling their offspring's mind with the education of sexual recreation. Decisions, decisions!

Ealier this week, I heard an expert mention that from the age of 5, a child is ready to hear and be able to understand the logistics of mating. I won't lie, I was horrified at this. Honestly the child hardly knows that what they possess  does anything more than let urine out. I don't know but this seemed extreme, I mean I'm all for educating the youth but this is more misplaced information overload. However, I also get that it could be so that the child grows up knowing, therefore curiosity gets kept at bay and for the child to be aware should an adult try to molest them then they know it is wrong.

In the olden days, a girl child would be tackled by the female parent, while the boy child by the male parent. But now, what about children raised by a single parent? Or does one simply wait for the school to reach this curriculum and hope their child will head home to ask when they are confused?
Personally, nobody ever gave me this talk. The knowledge I have, has been obtained from the streets.

This is one of the question I wish to be equipped with when the time arrives. I mean, how does one even start? Does one make use of props?

All in all, the question remains as to how and when does one give the talk? Wena? How was your talk? Was it awkward? Will you do it differently when your turn arrives?

By Queen Troll