Monday 20 July 2015

#TOLAHCHEFS5 Baking 101: Secrets of a Home Baker

Step 1: Start with some good old fashioned ‘mise en place’ (pronounced ‘meez ahn plahs’, simply put, this means have all your ingredients prepared and ready to go before you start. Preparation is key ladies (and gents and auntcles). Keep a large bowl next to you on the counter to throw in whatever you are done with instead of walking back and forth to the trash can.            
Step 2: Take your time to read and understand the recipe. Baking is a science, and when you mix together ingredients, you're creating chemistry, albeit edible chemistry, so being precise is important.
Step 3: It’s really helpful to know a few baking equivalents.        
Step 4: Have fun! Everything tastes good if you have fun while making it.

Strawberry & Cream Layer Cake


Cake Ingredients                                              Icing & Topping Ingredients                
350 ml plain yoghurt                                           250g butter
350 ml sunflower oil                                            4 cups icing sugar
500 ml sugar                                                      4 TBS milk
1050 ml self-raising flour                                    1/2 tsp vanilla essence
6 extra-large eggs                                              3 cups of strawberries, sliced
2 tsp vanilla essence
4 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt


Empty all cake ingredients into a bowl and mix with a beater until ingredients are well blended – be careful not to overmix. Pour batter into 4 round cake tins that have been greased or lined with wax paper. Bake at 180 °C for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pans and before taking out. To make icing – place butter in a mixing bowl and beat until soft, add the icing sugar, milk and vanilla essence. Beat until smooth. Ice each layer and place sliced strawberries on top of the icing in each layer. Place uncut strawberries on the top layer or decorate as you wish.

*You can use whipped cream as a filling for each layer instead of the buttercream icing.                  
*Baking with oil vs butter – I will save you from the long explanations but to make a super moist cake, oil outperforms butter is in its ability to coat flour proteins, which reduces gluten formation and keeps the crumb extra tender. Personally, I use either butter or flour depending on what I am making, remember there is no right or wrong here.
* For baking equivalents see                                                                                                                   
Image Credit:

La Petit Chef